The Good Soil
Luke 8:11-15 This is a parable I have heard many times; however, as I read Jesus’ explanation of this parable it really stuck out to me that we need to persevere, and let our hearts be the good soil, which receives, retains, and produces good fruit from the word of God. It can be so easy to simply set aside a half hour in the morning, pray, read a passage, and then go on about the day without really meditating on what was read. I know that while I am here in Guatemala I have an amazing opportunity to set aside almost every distraction and just get to know my heavenly Father. I want everything I think say and do here and for the rest of my life to reflect Him wholly and completely. I don’t want to just go through the motions as I have for so much of my life. I want a deeper relationship with my Father. This verse is very timely for me, I was sharing in the girl’s bible study yesterday on Psalms chapter 1 and as I was sharing I just kept going back to getting in God’s word. How ...