The Fear of the Lord
the Lord
the beginning
of wisdom
of wisdom
fear or respect of the Lord is the beginning, only the beginning of
wisdom. Wow So wisdom couldn’t have come unless someone first
feared the Lord God almighty. In yesterday’s verse it talked about
how the world thinks it has wisdom when in actuality it only has
foolishness. I think the word fear gets miss represented all the
time. Like we should be afraid of our Father in heaven. I don’t
think this is the case. My Father in heaven demands my respect and
reverence. In the English language “fear” is the only word that
comes close to describing the depths of the awe we should hold for
our Father. But we must remember this is only the beginning of
wisdom. In (James 3) it says that the fruits of wisdom are. James
3:17“But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure;
then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good
fruit, impartial and sincere.” The word wisdom encompasses so many
different traits. I say traits because in a way they are like traits
that come from our Heavenly Father. As we learn and grow in God’s
word and in His ways we gain His DNA, His genes, and then His traits
or fruit begin to pour out of our lives. To bring it back then if the
fear of the Lord is only the beginning of wisdom, then pressing into
Him, following in His ways and being more like Him will begin to
transform our lives to look more like God and less like us. In this
way as we gain more and more of God’s DNA, we show more and more of
His fruit, and so receive more and more of His wisdom.
application this week is to continue to pray for wisdom like I used
to. To expect that God will answer my prayer, and begin to look for
the fruit of wisdom in my life.
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