Oh you of little faith

Luke 8:22-25

My first impression was, wow it’s amazing how much can be told in so few words. After that I started to think about how this was one of the first signs Jesus gave that he was more than just a prophet. I found it sad that the disciples didn’t have faith but I also find myself on their side. Often I can’t see past the wind and the waves right in front of me. I call out to God to change my situation but I don’t realize He is waiting on me to put my faith in Him. Towards the end of last year several of my extended family members passed away within two months of each other. It was a serious blow to my faith and trust in God. I quickly found myself floundering in waves of grief, pain, and stress from myself and my family. I tried to face it on my own for about a day. I realized I wasn’t going to make it without God. I clung desperately to my savior, and He calmed the raging sea within me. I was able to have peace in the middle of the storm. My friends were amazed at the peace and joy I had, I give all the credit to God, He sustained me. Jesus calmed my sea and was able to shine through my situation to show everyone around me that he can cover all, that no trial is too big for His grace and peace to suffuse it.
My application for this verse is that I will continue to press into God. In times of prosperity as well if not more than in times of troubles.


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