Going Through the Motions
is easy to just walk through life, go through the motions and never
really try to get outside of the normal. Verse 16 says the days are
evil. Therefor it is very important to use each one wisely. I know
personally I tend to let days go by without a thought of what I could
do to reach out and show God’s love the people around me. I simply
walk from one day to the next as though in a daze, waiting for
something to shock me out of it. The next verse goes on to say
“Therefore do not bee foolish, but understand what the Lord’s
will is.” It is very important to seek God daily and to get into
His word to understand His will so that I can understand what God’s
will is and so be able to purposefully walk it out each day.
application for tomorrow is to purpose in the morning seek God and
find one thing to purposefully work on.
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