Blind Bartimaeus

Mark 10:47-49

We need to take hold and be persistent when asking for healing. Bartimaeus was not going to be swayed by the people around him. He knew, had faith, that if Jesus heard him he would be healed.
How often do we let the people, noises, and demons around us distract us from fervently asking Jesus for healing or to save a brother, or simply for strength? I know for me it is very easy to get run off course by all the things going on in my life at any given time. I’ll be praying one minutes and thinking about breakfast the next. It is admirable how stedfast Bartimaeus is in this scripture. But the story doesn’t stop there after he was healed in verse 51, he stood and followed Jesus. Jesus told him his faith had healed him. I need only to have faith in Jesus Christ my Savior, and He will move mountains for me.
Just as Bartimeaus was not deterred from his healing, I don’t want to be distracted, or made to think I don’t deserve what I’m believing for. So this weekend I will make a point to pray specifically, for my family, for my class mates, and for my future. Believing that God will answer my prayers.


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