If You Lack Wisdom
any of you lacks wisdom
should ask God,
gives generously
finding fault,
it will be given to him.
really like this verse, as it shows just how good our God is. He with
holds no good thing from us. He doesn’t even specify who can have
it! Anyone who asks shall receive according to this verse. I am so
happy to be going through wisdom this week, it’s one of my favorite
topics, as I said previously it’s something I’ve grown up praying
for. I have already learned so much this week, and while I have heard
this verse many times it still stuck out to me that my God withholds
no good thing. I am in awe that he would choose to give me wisdom
that I might use it in my daily walk. I also think it’s amazing
that while anyone can ask for wisdom he must first realize he lacks
it. This in itself requires, being humble, self aware, and open to
the idea that we don’t know everything. My prayer is that God would
continue to humble me and make me more aware of my need for Him. As I
walk this earth I know life is a fleeting breath; however, I am
determined to let God use me how He would and not take even a single
minute for my own glory.
week I will pray for wisdom and also for God to shine through me that
people would see Jesus and not me.
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