He Cares for You
1 Peter 5:7 “Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.” This one challenges me more than I'd like to admit. I'm fairly young, I have a lot of life left to live and yet I often find myself worried. I worry about what to wear, or eat, who to hang out with, where to work, should I go to college? Questions like these and many others often fill my mind. I find myself unnecessarily dwelling in a state of anxiety. Why unnecessarily you may ask. Shouldn't you be concerned with your future? Especially at such a young age? My answer is no, no I shouldn't be. The word says that the lilies of the field are more richly decorated than even Solomon himself, if God cares so much about the flowers which are here today and gone tomorrow certainly He cares about me. Not only does He care, He has a plan too and for me to worry or try to make things work out one way or another is only pointless stress. For who by worrying can add even an inch to His statur...