
Jonah 2:8
“Those who regard worthless idols
Forsake their own Mercy.”

It is so easy to get caught up in ways of living. Do this, Don’t do that, be a good little christian, and so on. In and of themselves the do’s and the don’ts the “guidelines” of life should be just that guidelines. But so often I find myself trying to uphold a broken law. I get so absorbed when I fail that I truly forget about the mercy of Jesus Christ and the forgiveness He offers. These rules quickly become idols in my life and they do take me away from the mercy I’ve been given. I feel like my failings take me farther and farther away from God until I can’t even see Him anymore. I get lost in a sea of doubts, lies, and all together confusion. I tell myself I’ve gone too far this time, but every time when I finally cry out to God wondering if He can even hear me through the noise I’ve created, He answers me. He leads me back to His grace and mercy and shows me that I don’t have to try to follow the do’s and don’ts. I need only reside and in Him and all these things that I used to strive for suddenly become natural out pourings. Every time I come back I realize that everything I was trying to attain was and is a free gift from God, I see God only wants me to be completely His. When I give my self over to Him He makes my life a beautiful offering, He makes everything I do glorify Him. He literally does all the hard work for me and all I have to do is abide in Him. If I have learned anything from this program it is the necessity to abide in God and let Him take care of the rest.


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