We Who are Strong

Romans 15:1
We who are strong ought to bear with the failing of the weak and not to please ourselves.

None of us are called to walk alone, yet I find that we often think we walk alone. This sadly opens the door for us to become extremely self centered, to not see or care about those hurting around us. I sometimes find myself expecting someone to come help me and I miss those suffering around me. Jesus has called me to run along side and bolster them in their faith; but I am too self focused to even see their pain. We are supposed to band together as the body of Christ to encourage one another yet we are so busy focusing on ourselves that this beautiful unity is often forsaken for selfish pity parties. It has been impressed on my heart these past couple of weeks how important it is to be filled with the Holy Spirit daily. I have learned that it is be no means possible in my own strength to build up my class mates but that I must let God do it. And guess what? He chooses to use people to encourage His church. He chooses to work through me even though I have done nothing to deserve that honor. He wants to fill my cup to over flowing so that I may a vessel to pour into other people. I am continually in awe of Him who made the heavens yet loves His creation here on earth so much that He would choose to include us in His work. Wow. Isn’t He wonderful?
In order to be filled I must first get to know my savior, I must confess I don’t know Him as well as I should. So when I am doing my devotions I will find a verse from morning to meditate on for that day. I will write it down and ask God to help me dwell on it all day.


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