Whoever Finds His Life...

Matthew 10:39
Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.

As we prepare to leave Cambodia I was struck by this verse. When I got here I was expecting to run hard and to do everything I could in my own strength to bring glory to a God I barely knew. This season has been the complete opposite. I have had to sit still and let God walk before me. I have literally had to die to myself and my ideas, everything I thought this time would be. I've had to daily lay down my pride and anything that wreaks of me; I have had to ask God to stand in my place. Before Ignite I thought I had found my life only to realize I had completely lost it. Through my time here in Cambodia God has been revealing to me His truths. He has showed me the path I thought I'd left. My world has literally been flipped upside down. (Or rather, I suppose, right side up.) Things I thought I was good at, I realize now are actually some of my biggest weak spots. It has been amazing to see how God has use my team mates to fill in where I am weak. I am so blessed to have them and I can’t imagine what this time would have been like without them. We have all had to give up the lives we thought we had and have been surprised by this new life God has given us. I encourage you to ask God to show you how to lose your life for Him.


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