Draw Near
near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you
sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded.”
are getting close to the half way mark of our field time, and as the
end of the year approaches I’ve been looking back on my time here
in Cambodia. I’ve realized that I have been kind of distant towards
God. Yes, I’ve had a few times where I felt like He was speaking to
my heart but over all I haven’t been super close with Him. Just
today a friend of Anna’s took me out for coffee and I had a
wonderful afternoon sharing my experiences since being here and
hearing hers. At one point we started talking about feeling close to
God. We have both gone through times in our lives where we felt
isolated and ended up leaning on God and asking for big things from
Him. We came to the conclusion that it is one thing to know He is
there, it’s a whole other to believe it. Since being here I have
started having a consistent time with God in the mornings but it
quickly became a thing to check off my list of things to do each day
and not a time where God could really speak to me. Anna’s friend
(now my friend too) pointed out to me that it’s not always the
action that means the most, it’s the heart behind it. For so long
I’ve been doing things to be seen or out of necessity but today I
really feel like I’m operating out of a place of fellowship with
God, not because of anything I did. See that’s the key part, I
didn’t do anything to deserve this closeness with God, I only
obeyed and set my cares and my worries down at His feet and He has
done the rest! Just as this verse says, I have drawn near to God and
He has drawn near to me. I am asking Him to show me how to cleanse my
hands and he is faithful to do it. I am asking Him to purify my heart
and He is faithful in doing so. I have been blessed with a sense of
peace about my future knowing that He has it in the palm of His hand
and that there is no sense in my worrying about it since it only
causes me strife. The Lord almighty is faithful and just to fulfill
His promises to us. One of which is the hope of a good future. It is
from this place of peace, contentment, and fulfillment that I am
operating out of on a daily basis. The result being that I am truly
joyful, quick to do what needs to be done, and ready to point the way
back to Christ for anyone who has fallen by the wayside. I praise the
Lord that He has brought me to this place, one interesting thing to
note; however, is that He used people to do it. When I first got here
I didn’t really open up to anyone and I felt extremely isolated,
the devil used this to get in the way of my communion with God. God
often uses the people around us to show us the way but if we are
cutting ourselves off from people who want to speak into our lives
then we are limiting ourselves from receiving the things God wants to speak to us. I pray God always brings me back into
communion with Him when I falter and that I would be quick to
recognize when I am feeling isolated from my teammates.
week I will continue to be faithful in my devotions with God each
morning, and I will ask Him to show me how I can speak into my
teammates lives, and encourage them in their walk with God.
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