Whom will you obey?
you know that when you offer yourselves to someone to obey him as
slaves, you are slaves to the one whom you obey – whether you are
slaves to sin which leads to death, or to obedience, which leads to
like how this verse answer the quandary in the verse before it which
asks, “What then? Shall we sin because we are not under the law but
under grace? By no means!” Many christians have asked this same
question, myself included. We must choose whom we will be obedient
to. The bible says no one can serve two masters. Whether we purposely
choose one or not makes no difference. In the end one master will be
served but who will it be? Our selfish desires? Which lead to death?
Or to God’s will which leads to life. That’s why the bible also
says to choose today whom you will serve. It is important to choose
God least we unknowingly fall into sin. For wide is the path that
leads to destruction and narrow the path that leads to life. It is
very easy to fall in to thinking that we are doing the right thing,
going to church, avoiding “big things” like killing someone or
adultery or things like that. However it’s the little foxes that
spoil the vine. It’s the “little” sins that lead us astray.
this week I am going to do two things first, I have been lazy in
getting out of bed in the mornings so I will make a point to put my
flesh under and get up on time. Secondly I won’t do this alone. My
room mate has made it her goal it get up and run at least twice this
week so I will get up and go running with at least twice this week.
This way I can practice not falling into laziness or complacency.
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