Through Faith in Christ

Philippians 3:9
“and be found in Him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ – the righteousness that comes from God and is by faith.”

It is important not to be self righteous, It is so easy, especially for me, to look at my self, and begin to to think, “Well I’m not as bad as them so I must be doing good. Seriously I did that good thing earlier I know I am on the right because of that” even in this thinking I take the focus off of what Jesus did for me and put it on me and how I got out of bed ten minutes early. How foolish is this? I also put emphasis on what I do and how I can make myself pure and holy. When stated like this it is very easy to see the skewed thinking; however, in our own minds we have mastered the art of self ratification. Here in Philippians Paul states that he wants to be righteous in God’s eyes, righteous not by anything he himself did but righteous through God by faith. Now this “by faith” part confuses me slightly, because wouldn’t that mean Paul had a part to play in his own righteousness? The part of simply having faith? Well to some extent I would say yes but hear me out, the only faith that will get us anywhere is faith in Jesus Christ so the act of faith is taking the focus off of ourselves and in so doing we cannot feel self righteous since we are looking to God for our righteousness.
Often times I find it hard to put my faith in God. I’ve never had to worry about a roof over my head, or food in my stomach, seriously aside from training here in Guatemala I’ve never lacked a hot shower when I wanted it. Along with this wonderful program have come some large expenses and I would like to see God provide for them so this week I will pray fervently the God will completely cover my airplane ticket to Cambodia as well as the cost of the next seven months of this program. In this way I will shift the focus off of what I can do to gain the needed funds and put it on God and His power to provide everything I ask or think.


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