This Pleases the Lord

Col 3:20
children, obey your parents in everything, for this pleases the Lord.
Eph. 6:1
Children obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.

When I was little I heard another verse which says basically that if we obey our parents we will be blessed with long life. I like how both verses say essentially the same thing but one thing does stick out to me. One says that is pleases the Lord when we obey our parents and the other says it is right for us to obey our parents. I have seen many parents demand obedience with the only “authority” behind it being “because I said so” sadly in a lot of situations this has no consequence to the child. My parents tried this approach once or twice until they realized that it is God who gives them authority over us and so it is God who would bring the consequences of disobedience. I heard verses like "the wages of sin is death." Or "delayed obedience is disobedience." Thinking back on it now I am very thankful my parents did this. Reminding my sisters and I that when we obey quickly and with a good heart it would go well with us. We would have long life. I really appreciate what my parents did for me.
So as the bible also says the children will rise up and call their parents blessed, during my next wifi time I will make a point to tell my parents one how much I appreciate them and two that they are blessed.


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