Obedience in Suffering
he was a son, he learned obedience from what he suffered...”
see by reading the verses surrounding this one that it is referring
to Jesus. That He prayed fervently for the cup of death to pass from
His lips, yet He knew that salvation could come no other way than by
the sacrifice of His innocent blood. So He conceded to His Father’s
will. I have to admit this verse confused me. After reading Verse 8-9
I discerned that the suffering was Jesus dying for our sins and thus
He learned obedience though His suffering on the cross because He
knew it was God’s will. However the phrasing still doesn’t make
sense. God doesn’t send hard things our way just to “teach us a
lesson”, or “beat us over the head” that’s not His style. He
teaches through love and patience. Coming back to the verse then. I
was confused as verse 9 goes on to say, “and once made perfect, he
became the source of eternal salvation for all who obey him...” I
am pretty sure Jesus was already perfect, in fact He had to be. So
why does it say His suffering made Him perfect and obedient? To
answer this question I had to go back and read verses 1-10. This gave
me even more context. I learned that this passage is talking about
Jesus Christ as a priest. One who would offer sacrifices to appease
God annually. While Jesus was here “He offered prayers and
petitions with loud cries and tears...” (verse 7) As a priest would
have done with burnt offerings. It says His prayers were heard
because of His reverent submission. He knew it was God’s will that
He die on the cross and was submissive to His Father’s will. To
answer the question then, the suffering of dying on the cross sealed
Him as the perfect and blameless sacrifice. His obedience was shown
through His suffering.
application is to pray according to God’s will. In order to do that
I first need to know His will. To do that I will set aside half an
hour (at least) in the morning to fervently read God’s word, then
write down a prayer according to the passage I read.
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