Contentment with Circumstances

Philippians 4:11
I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content, whatever the circumstances.

This passage is almost perfectly timed for me. We received our field assignments last night, I am very happy about my location (it will be available on facebook, on the potter’s field ministries page) However it is very far away and it is one of the most expensive plane tickets. I know I don’t have the money but I am believing God will bring it in. He will provide for me just as He provided for Paul and Timothy through the Philippian church. As Paul says in verse 13: “I can do everything through him who gives me strength” The whole context of this passage is that God is providing Paul’s needs, I know God will provide over and above my need for a plane ticket and anything else I need. He already knows what I need. I really appreciate that Paul clarifies he needs nothing outside of God. That the gift the church gave was God providing for Paul not the church doing so.
I think it is important to remember that God does work through people. I need to be willing to let people be used by God to provide for this journey.
whenever I feel anxiety for the money I need I will give it to God, I will write down how awesome he is. Each night for the rest for the week I will tell my room mates if I had to write anything down, and any verses God gives me for that day


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