Be Content
Luke 3:14 Then some soldiers asked him, “And what should we do?” He replied, “Don’t extort money and don’t accuse people falsely–be content with your pay” As I was reading this verse the story of the workers in the vineyard came to mind. (Matthew 20:1-16) At the end of a long day of work, several men had been hired. Some had been working all day while others had only worked for an hour. The men who were hired first grumbled even though they had agreed to the pay they were given. They were not happy that the men who were hired last were also given the same pay. I know I often get upset when I’ve been working hard and no one notices “my extra hard work” (sarcasm sign) Just this week for example. I was on the KP (Kitchen Patrol. Washes dishes, cleans kitchen all that) team last week and I was looking forward to having this week off after climbing a volcano, and doing KP the last seven days I am tired. However the teams got rearranged for the next four weeks and I am...